The Black Baron - 1 in English Short Stories by Gurchetan Singh books and stories PDF | The Black Baron - 1

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The Black Baron - 1















A rookie in the team hawk Who was the most experienced man in captain canal [team hawk] team. His name was nick [the black baron] he had done 38 missions around the globe it was a dark and a stormy night in camp A13 the cap captain walked in the tent and said ‘team we are boarding the US MISSORI BATTLESHIP tomorrow 0600 hours from here to utha beach”

The baron was excited to get on a battleship this was his first time on a battleship but he did not know the dire consequences that had to come on the beach


He woke up at 0430 hours he found himself nervous as he packed he had packed a kar98k,m1911,mosin nagant sniper and a m1 garand and a copule of grenades and med kits as they entered the battleship he got more exited and nervous the ship had 3 canons in each canons 3 turrets.

On the starboard side of the ship was the US flysenhour aircraft carrier which had 35 F4U cosari and 2 B_29 super fortres




Me and my friend were chating [BOOM] We heard a explosion we ran the deck of the ship on the starboard side the carier was hit guns blazing on the ships in the sky 4U cosari were protecting the bomber planes [superfortres] from the enemy planes in a few minutes a meeting was called to go and get utha beach in minutes the battleship was hit on the rear end of the ship the battleship was still on the water then a sec after[BOOM] the cannon 1 and split into pieces when the boats deployed out of the battleship bullets came down on the driver the boat went off track and when the door opened bullets blazing on the boat half the group died. Nick took the LMG[light machine gun] attached to the boat and jumped in the water while jumping out of the boat he got shot in the leg. When he got to the shore he dug a hole and hide in it his walkie talkie was damaged when he jumped into the water. So he had to get to the captain so get orders when he raised his head to see where the captain was bullets came down blazing on him he saw his captain in time so he prepared to make a run for it he had his friend [vitally] with him so he gave his LMG so he can protect him he said [Vitally cover me] he ran to his captain while his friend followed him too vitally shot with his LMG and nick shot whit his pistol on the left he saw the battleship shooting and firing on the big bunkers one missile got to the bunker [boom] the bunker exploded he took cover and took out his Springfield and shot the enemy the [boom] a german tank he had some dynamite he took it and to the back of the tank as the tank would not have any damage to stop it he got to the back of the tank he placed the dynamite and took some cover [explosion] the tank was destroyed. He got to the captain again the captain said[go and take that bazooka and explode that last bunker while running to the bazooka he stepped on a land mine the land mine exploded lucky Nick was far he jumped to take cover he got up but his eyes were all blurry he got to the bazooka and destroyed the last bunker he got a dynamite to explode the fence and get over the beach and get to the town



Sainte-Mere-Eglise[TOWN 453]

After some time we reached Sainte-Mere-Eglise[town 453] me and my friend vitally were sent on hill to know about the enemies in the town when we were on the hill we heard noise on the opposite side of the town nick got there to check the noises nick said [holly shit] it was a whole german airspace nick said [I got to tell the captain about this] he ran to his captain he reported about the airport luckily a super fortress bomber was up in the sky the cap reported the bomber to bomb the airspace but the airport picked up the caps signal they got there every single plane up in the sky but the bomber started deploying the bombes but one of the german planes took out one engine. The bomber crashed on the airport in the town the germens started to kill the people the cap told us to ambush the town and get the innocent people on the beach we just stormed down on deaths front door we stormed them killing every one of the Nazi freaks but the cost of it was 12 people we protected the town from Nazi freaks for 2 days we got more Intel during day 3 about a german base at 20 clicks away cap said [so that’s from where they were coming from ] it was cold in the forest we only travelled 6 clicks from the town randomly bullets came down at us from all directions we started shooting too somebody said [ambush] me and vitally ran to find a safe place and killed the Nazis we already had lost half of our group we lost another 2 people luckily we met another group we got ambushed many times we had to face tanks, AA guns and LMGs. We finally got to the base and we sent a sniper with a escort who had a LMG to a hill on the right side of the base and the same on the left side too I said [CAP I WILL CHECK THE BASE FROM THAT HILL ON THE LRFT FLANK OF THE BASE TO SEE WHAT KIND OF WEPONES THEY HAVE IN THERE] cap said [ALL RIGHT KID GOOD LUCK THEY KNOW WE ARE HERE SO BE CAREFULL] I got to the hill in time I found out that there was a panzer with a very big escort coming our way I quickly report to the cap thank god they hid in the bushes and not face them and they have put mines and sec the panzer will bl..[BOOM]..ow up well they attacked the base reinforesments were coming me and my squad got a quick window to get in and put C4 in there base and blow it up we got in then quickly got out to only find out that the cap and the squad dead but now I was in charge I was sad, angry and happy at the sane tine so I decided to waste my angry on blowing up the base we got a military bus so we drove all the way to the beach and we got a 35 F4U cosari flew to the base then landed at the broken airport and gathered supplies until he saw a 3 bomber aircraft heading for the beach.



I GOT IN THE PLANE and head to wards the bomber there was no fighter escort to defend the bomber this was all wrong or they knew someone attack and I understood it late I shoot the bomber plane it went down then it revelled that there were 6 no 7 fighter planes so I kept the shooting bomber because the main object and there were fighter to protect the bomber and distract the plane shooting the bomber but I knew that so I brought down one more bomber I though that I really had trigged them now as they started shooting and firing more time than before I decided that I go up I got up above and my engine blasted and I was gliding I decided to crash the plane into to the bomber I got my parachute and got the plane in angle and got out the plane opened the parachute and then [BOOM] the plane and I fell down I went black last thing I remember that I landed on a tree I was hanging on the tree like a paratrooper stuck in a tree oh wait a minute I was that paratrooper I only had med kit and a pistol a knife some explosives and only some ammo I was hanging from a tree I cut the rope connecting me from the chute I got down it was day it was sunny some ice melting away from the night I heard some voice from the bushes I got my pistil aim on the bush I looked and found a beaver hiding in the bushes I found a way of camping cutting wood and finding some rocks to make fire it was cold during the night in the forest there was some kind of machine whirring in the distance I got my pistol got to the place and found a camping site in it there were some Nazis and two panzer one was a tiger class one was getting repair that is from where the noise was coming from. I had a plan that I go to the tiger get the LMG on the top of it and sneak into the camp and kill but there was a problem there were two nazi repairing the tank I sneaked to the the tank and killed the nazi with my knife got the LMG got in the camp the plan went successful I got in and out it was that easy but nothing is easy I decided I go back to my little camp and sleep but always be alert the morning came with a surprise I found a US tank and a whole squad I got to the squad captain and told about the nazi there plan and I got to the US camp not the one on the beach there was a new one in the forest we got there the name of the camp was camp Jupiter



Camp Jupiter was good but there were too many harmed there and there were many squads and many injured but we got too the commander and he made me a captain of squad 126(squad lincon) so we were given an assignment to sneak in the enemy camp and blow it up and get a tiger class tank to use them to sneak into enemy territory and blow it up so we went to the base and spread out and got to the base we were hiding in the tiger we took control of the tank then blow up the explosives we put the bombs on the bridge so we exactly had 2 min to get out we got to the other side of the bridge and (boom) the bridge blew up and we got the tank we got to camp Jupiter and we got a squad to take the tank and reported to the commander we got to stay in camp Jupiter for 2 days as the Intel to strike the German camp on day 3 . WE were getting ready to strike the camp on day 3 as a loud voice came when I got out of the tent the whole sky was red and a huge explosion was covering the sky a blast hit us a metal rod hit me on the head and I went unconscious I woke up the next day I was lumpy I went to the command tent which was without a celling I came and asked the commander what was that the commander said that was failed lab experiment that the Nazi’s were developing he asked that he was assigning me to a tank called the thunderbird I was the captain and he made me the cap of that tank because I was familiar to the model of that tank we the blacktops was made to learn how to fly a plane and drive a tank. I got to my tank and my crew were a little shock that a black ops cap was their captain my first mission was to check the campsite that caused that explosion. My black ops team was behind my tank we were approaching the campsite I said halt we stopped I saw a shine of light in the distant then (boom) a sniper had triggered a land mine in front of us our tank couldn’t move I was seeing things a little blurry my ears were ringing then my team rain bullets on the campsite and the bushes my team got me and my crew out of my tank before it exploded I was unconscious.


OR A NEW HERO WILL RISE........keep looking for Black Baron !!!